In the lush landscapes of Maharashtra, during the tumultuous 17th century, a period marked by socio-political upheavals and spiritual longing, emerged a figure whose life and teachings would leave an indelible mark on the spiritual fabric of India. This figure was Saint Tukaram, a prominent saint of the Bhakti movement, whose devotional poetry and life stories continue to inspire millions across the globe.

The Humble Beginnings

Born in 1608 in the village of Dehu, near Pune, Tukaram’s early life was fraught with hardships. Coming from a family engaged in petty trade and farming, he faced the harsh realities of famine and poverty. Personal tragedies, including the loss of his family members, cast long shadows over his youth. Yet, it was these trials that catalyzed his spiritual awakening, steering him towards an undying devotion to Lord Vitthal, an incarnation of Lord Krishna revered in the Varkari tradition.

The Essence of Tukaram’s Teachings

Tukaram’s teachings were revolutionary. He espoused a religion of love and compassion, transcending the rigid caste hierarchies that plagued society. His belief that direct communion with God was possible for every individual, regardless of their social status, challenged the prevailing orthodoxy and opened up new avenues for spiritual expression among the common people.

The Abhangs: Tukaram’s Immortal Contributions

The core of Tukaram’s legacy lies in his abhangs, a collection of devotional poems written in Marathi. These verses are characterized by their simplicity, lyrical beauty, and profound emotional depth. They cover a wide array of themes, from social justice and criticism of superficial rituals to the celebration of divine love and the human quest for the divine. Tukaram’s abhangs were not just religious texts but also a medium of social and moral discourse, making spirituality accessible to all.

Stories and Anecdotes from Tukaram’s Life

The Miracle of the Indrayani River

One of the most celebrated stories of Tukaram’s life is the miraculous recovery of his abhangs from the Indrayani River. After facing criticism and rejection from the orthodox religious community, his manuscripts were thrown into the river, in an attempt to silence him. Undeterred, Tukaram fervently prayed for their return. Miraculously, after thirteen days, the manuscripts floated back, untouched by water, a testament to his unwavering faith and divine favor.

Tukaram and Jijabai’s Encounter

Another endearing story involves Tukaram and a woman named Jijabai, who was deeply moved by his teachings. Desiring to serve the saint, she would regularly clean the path he walked on. Tukaram, humbled by such devotion, eventually visited her, acknowledging her service as a form of high devotion. This story underscores Tukaram’s teaching that service and love are the highest forms of worship.

The Ascent to Vaikuntha

Perhaps the most mystical of tales associated with Tukaram is his ascent to Vaikuntha, the abode of Lord Vishnu. In front of numerous witnesses, it is said that Tukaram boarded a celestial chariot and ascended to heaven, a dramatic testament to his sanctity and divine favor. This event, celebrated annually, symbolizes the ultimate goal of the Bhakti movement – the union of the soul with the divine.

Tukaram’s Enduring Legacy

Tukaram’s influence stretches far beyond the confines of Marathi culture, touching the hearts and souls of people across the world. His life and teachings serve as a beacon of hope, emphasizing love, devotion, and social equality. The Varkari tradition, to which Tukaram belonged, continues to thrive, with pilgrims singing his abhangs during the annual pilgrimage to Pandharpur, the seat of Lord Vitthal.

His legacy is also evident in the reformative impact he had on society. By advocating for a faith that transcended caste barriers and emphasized personal experience of the divine, Tukaram played a crucial role in the social and religious awakening of his time.

Tukaram’s works have been translated into numerous languages, making his teachings accessible to a global audience. Scholars and spiritual seekers alike delve into his abhangs, finding in them a rich source of inspiration and wisdom.

Reflections on Tukaram’s Philosophy

At the core of Tukaram’s teachings was the belief in a loving and personal God, accessible to all through sincere devotion. He championed the idea that true spiritual practice is about the transformation of the heart and the cultivation of virtues like compassion, humility, and love.


Saint Tukaram’s life was a testament to the power of faith and the transformative potential of devotion. Through his abhangs, he communicated a message of love and unity, challenging societal